It appears that Marianne Barker, DGE, and Terry Gilbert, PDG, attempted to  revise the District Leadership Policies with a caulk gun, as this photo taken on Nov. 30 shows.  “How do we revise the wording in this section?” GiImagelbert asked her .  “Let me grab my caulk gun, and let’s just glue these pages together, “ Barker replied as the camera flashed.

 Actually, the Fearsome Twosome have been revising district policies for many months, a word-by-word scouting of the document to introduce brevity where possible and clarity where necessary.   Their final revisions will be presented to the District Leadership Council as soon as possible, or as Gilbert has said, “Probably the year 2050, the rate we’re going.”

You can find  the current District Leadership Plan by clicking here: District Leadership Plan .  If you have suggestions or questions, submit them to Marianne at

 Submitted by Terry Gilbert