Liberty Day Institute’s purpose is to educate young students on the meaning and importance of the U.S. Constitution.
Liberty Day Institute’s purpose is to educate young students on the meaning and importance of the U.S. Constitution.  The learning activities as well as providing copies of the U.S. Constitution to our young people ensures that these young minds learn to appreciate and protect our American values as they become the next generation of adults and leaders in our society.
The Institute’s fact-based materials and interactive lessons help students acquire a firm understanding of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our system of government.  It also fosters pride in students about the rights and freedoms guaranteed to all Americans
Liberty Day is a non-profit 501-C3 organization and is funded by business contribution, foundation grants and citizens contributions. The organization has been officially recognized by the United State Congress by resolution.
If a Club is interested in getting involved contact your local American Legion posts for more information.