Posted by Rich Kirkham
Recently Rotarian Todd Fischer shared a service idea that I really like.  Its called “Good Will and Better Friendships Dinners”.  This is a project where members of your club (either by assignment or by sign-up process) volunteer to invite newer Rotarians and spouses to their homes for dinner.  The objective is clear: to build good will and better friendships.  
This project is simple enough that it can be assigned to virtually anyone in the club to organize.  Even someone with a red badge can organize this project.  The concept is explained to the club members in a club meeting.  A sign-up sheet is passed around requesting those who are willing to host a dinner for other club members to sign up.  With a group of 4 or 5 volunteers you are off to the races.  The organizer facilitates an invite to a new member to the home of the volunteer. Names are shared with volunteers in advance to make sure they are acquainted and comfortable hosting them. Then let those individuals work out the whens and hows. Done!
This or some variation of this simple service project, might be interesting and beneficial to your club.  If we build good fellowship within our club then our members will stay longer and become more committed to Rotary.   Rich Kirkham, DGE 2019-20